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Teambuilding Relay Race
16 drivers minimum
Divide your group into teams that compete against eachother for FAME, GLORY, and THIS TROPHY!

Instead of a baton, our Relay Race uses go karts. When it's time for the switch, teams use whiteboards to tell drivers to "PIT," directing them to an area next to the start line, where Go Kart World staff wait to help people in and out of the karts.
Our Relay Race uses European racing karts. These are fully automatic with power steering and brakes, making them a cinch to drive. Because they're faster than other karts, drivers must be 18 or older. Full-faced helmets (required) are provided in various sizes, along with head socks to keep them clean.
Our scoreboard and sideline monitors display the current state of the race, keeping everyone engaged as they cheer their team to victory.
When the checkered flag waves, the top three teams are awarded trophies, which they can model on our Winner's Podium, where pictures can be taken. All drivers will receive a race report showing lap-by-lap time, best time, and final placement.
The Super Track is enormous, allowing up to fifteen karts (i.e. teams) to race at once. For a one-hour race, we recommend limiting teams to three people or less. The longer the race, the more people you can have per team.
This event has an eight-team minimum and a one-hour minimum, requiring at least 16 drivers.